When I met Lionel, we fell in love at the first sight. Odd, as we were from completely different worlds in each area of life. We had one common root which grew to be a liana keeping us attached: Africa. In nearly everything we stood on the opposite direction. Did I say we were both strong willed? Nothing in life has prepared us to back down, to concede, or just to be flexible with each other. Each difference of opinion was a good reason to argue, then we would fight about the argument itself. As children were growing up, much deeper issues started to separate us. Instead of becoming easier, communication on those subjects was impossible. Difficult issues were subjects to endless arguments and fights and were never resolved.
When I became a Christian God convicted me of all my shortcomings. In fact, in the earlier years of our marriage, I expressed in so many ways my rebellious and vengeful nature, my pride, my un-forgiveness. Once I met the beautiful Jesus, all those things became obviously the work of my flesh, in need to be destroyed. Some of those things came down right away unable to stand against the love and grace of Jesus. It was the time of my spiritual amazement. Miraculous changes became obvious and had a powerful impact on our children at the time. They were in their early teen’s years and easily impressed. Dad and Mom met Jesus. Cool! A time followed when the 5 of us were passionate believers, all working for the church in different capacities, and going happily together to retreats or conferences. Our family was seen everywhere working for the Lord. We were so proud of our sons. We became known and popular.
Pride crept in quickly. We gained some Bible knowledge but our hearts were not transformed. It was an explosive mix to produce good religious people - and our sons assessed us “hypocrites”. Ouch… Our marriage was not getting better, rather worse. I felt I was pushed into religion and I was screaming for freedom. I knew freedom was out there. I tasted it. I recognized it. I desperately wanted it. But in my circumstances, I had no idea how to get it. I became resentful toward my husband. I didn’t sign up for this religion which was closing up on me. So many rules imposed which ultimately destroyed our marriage and family. They brought hatred in the hearts of our children for us. I realized I didn’t love my husband anymore but I was fearing him. Soon after this I finally said “yes” to him after another threat of separation. I confirmed I didn't see any hope for us as a couple. I didn't bless him as a wife, and we were destroying each other. The kids were themselves struggling and was even questioning God. At this point we had lost their hearts. And I was so bitter.
That was the beginning of Lionel highly suicidal depression. Everything exploded in the natural. My husband was dying and I had all the “good” reasons lined up in my mind to leave him there. I might become miserable but at least, I’d be free. I started to argue with God about the choices before me. The divorce was my best option. But God made it clear that was an option without the redemptive work of the Cross, and born out of a dead religion. He would still love me, but… that was not His best. Did I REALLY believe God was alive? powerful? and truly a good Father? If my answer to any of those question was a resounding “YES”, I had to believe that God had a purpose for us as a couple. Even if my flesh thought it was a bad joke. Lionel was dying on an hospital bed when I finally said “yes” to God.
It was when God started to speak loud and clear. The first word was “Don’t go to your dying husband. He has to see Me first”. And the second word was “Fight for your husband above everything else - even if your children don’t understand. I’ll take care of each one of them”. And the third word was “Speak restoration”. It was confusing and going against all what many people thought I should do. I decided to obey God and had an unshakable peace. I just knew my God was able to bring life out of the ashes and at this point it was enough. God sustained my faith with life giving dreams and visions. I stayed 4 months in the shadowing valley with Lionel, with a deep crazy conviction that God was holding our marriage and family in His palm. Then when the enemy got ready to apply his final blow through Lionel’s second dramatic attempt, deliverance came from an unpredictable source, the prayer line of a healing ministry. Call picked up by a dear sister, Linda, unknown to us at that time.
She prayed in a way we didn’t know back then, and… she got answers. Freedom decreed and established. A life and a marriage transformed. A family moving toward restoration. A ministry seed planted in the ashes of our previous lives. We decided to learn this way of decreeing and establishing life, which can bring instant answers, and applied to a school of divine healing. We discovered a much bigger God we ever thought existed. We understood the power of love as well as our identity as son and daughter of the King of kings. We became very aware of the needs of restoration for humanity and eager to share it. As we were (and still are) working and progressing on our own personal and familial issues, we started to share our testimony around, and realized how powerfully God would bring people into conviction and restoration. We realized it was impossible for us to decree something and see nothing happening. We learn the power of words, we started to use it for others and to teach about it. We saw many miraculous healing and deliverance. The ministry had started.
God doesn't loose anything, and He is alive. We are serving a living God. Everyone says it, but many act as if He had abandoned us in this dark world. God restores and transforms lives to the original plan He had for them. Our testimony is only displaying what God is willing to do in anyone surrounding his will to Him. Any marriage. Any family. This is how much He loves us.
For His glory
February 2018